
Earth Day 2021 Calls For Immediate Environmental Action

There is no better or more crucial time to fight for our planet’s future than the present. Together, we celebrate Earth Day this week, and the 2021 edition’s message is clear: as the world returns to ‘normal’, we can’t go back to business as usual.

From April 20-22, we’re all encouraged to urge world leaders to make changes so we can try to reverse the effects of climate change and avoid future environmental disasters from happening.

Earth Day 2021

Three Days of Climate Action

On Tuesday, April 20th, a global youth climate summit led by Earth Uprising will consist of panels, speeches, and discussions with young environmentalists, including Greta Thunberg. In the evening, the Hip Hop Caucus will present a virtual summit discussing how the climate crisis connects with pollution, poverty, social injustice, police brutality, and the pandemic.

Wednesday, April 21st, marks an event called “Teach for the Planet: Global Education Summit.” Prominent activists from every continent will participate in a virtual summit focusing on the crucial role educators play in fighting climate change.

Finally, on Thursday, April 22nd, Earth Day arrives just in time for the Biden Administration’s global climate summit. Join the second-ever Earth Day Live digital event, beginning at noon Eastern Time. Musicians, influences, grassroots activists, and world climate leaders will come together to talk about regenerative agriculture, reforestation efforts, emerging green technologies, and innovative thinking that can restore the world’s ecosystems.

Change Starts With Action

A fantastic initiative called A Billion Acts of Green is tracking actions around the world that help heal the planet. From individual decisions, classroom projects, and community events to environmental policies at the government level, there are so many ways we can make a difference. Add your act to A Billion Acts of Green to watch the movement grow!

Stumped for ideas on how to make a difference? Here are a few things to get you started:

  • Eat more plant-based meals. Shift to vegetarianism or become a flexitarian!
  • Pick up trash in a local park or stretch of road or highway.
  • Replace plastic in your life with reusable and/or biodegradable options (reusable shopping bags, metal cutlery, beeswax food wraps, etc.).
  • Take public transit or bike or walk to your next destination instead of driving.
  • Start a garden free of toxic chemicals to either grow your food or feed essential pollinators.

To learn more about this year’s Earth Day festivities, check out earthday.org.

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