The facts about COVID-19 and the flu: virtual conversation with Long Island’s health commissioners

Everyone is invited to attend an informational virtual conversation on Tuesday, Nov. 16 at 7 p.m. with Commissioner of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services Gregson Pigott and Commissioner of the Nassau County Department of Health Dr. Lawrence Eisenstein.

The informational conversation, hosted by Stony Brook Medicine, entitled “The Flu and COVID: A Conversation with Your County Health Commissioner,” will answer questions about COVID-19, the flu vaccine and provide health advice for you and your loved ones.

Topics to be discussed also include: how to prevent the spread of flu and COVID-19, what the departments of health in each county are doing to help Long Islanders, what to know about vaccine safety, the Delta variant and how other variants can be prevented, why the booster vaccine is important and who should get them and how to safely get both the flu vaccine and COVID-19 vaccines.

Questions can be submitted in advance and real time Spanish translations will be available.

To register for the event, visit the webinar registration link found here. The event will be moderated by Lisa Benz Scott.

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