A research letter published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Pediatrics Tuesday estimates that 10.5 million children worldwide have lost parents or other caregivers to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Children ages 5 to 11 wait in line with their parents to receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at a pediatric vaccine clinic set up at Willard Intermediate School in Santa Ana, Calif., Nov. 9, 2021. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong, File)
According to the letter by a group of seven doctors from Britain and several African countries, “Consequences for children can be devastating, including institutionalization, abuse, traumatic grief, mental health problems, adolescent pregnancy, poor educational outcomes, and chronic and infectious diseases.”
These findings are derived from new figures on excess deaths published by many countries and collected by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Economist magazine, and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington in Seattle.
According to the WHO figures, described as the most conservative, the hardest-hit country is India, with an estimated 3.5 million children having lost one or more caregivers. Other Asian countries with large totals include Indonesia (660,000) and Pakistan (410,000). Some of the most populous countries in Africa also were severely affected, including Egypt (450,000) and Nigeria (430,000).
In the Western Hemisphere, the worst affected countries were Mexico, the United States and Brazil, which also have the largest number of total deaths for the region.
According to the summary of the report, “little is being done to care for children left behind,” and no actual tabulation of orphaned or bereaved children is actually carried out by any national government.
One of the researchers, Juliette Unwin of Imperial College, London, explained the group’s findings in a commentary published in Scientific American on Wednesday:
As an epidemiologist, I am used to studying waves of infection and measuring the rise and fall of deaths. While the deaths of parents and grandparents from COVID crash and recede, the pattern of children affected by orphanhood resulting from the death of a caregiver is entirely different. In every country, the number of children affected inexorably rises, month after month. The death of a mother, father, caregiving grandparent or other relative is permanent and enduring. A child whose parent died at the start of the pandemic is still a child without that parent now.
Unwin noted that two out of three children whose parents died were between the ages of 10 and 17, and that three out of four children who lost a parent had lost their father rather than their mother. She continued: “Regardless of gender, however, in families where the primary breadwinner dies, death can be linked to sudden and lasting family economic hardship, whereas the loss of a primary socioemotional caregiver can decrease social connectedness.”