The Brevard Zoo in Viera has begun reopening with some restrictions to the public after having to shut down due to COVID-19 precautions.

Florida Today

Editor’s note: To provide our community with important public safety information, FLORIDA TODAY is making this daily COVID-19 report free to read. To support important local journalism like this, please consider becoming a digital subscriber. To subscribe, visit

Here are updates about coronavirus cases in Brevard, according to the Florida Department of Health, as of May 28, 2020.

There were two new coronavirus cases reported for Brevard County, for a total at 401 people testing positive since the pandemic, according to Thursday’s state Department of Health data.

No new deaths were reported. In all, Brevard lost 12 people to the coronavirus. The latest death here, reported Monday, was an 83-year-old female, who had had contact with another confirmed case. Brevard’s victims ranged in age from 73 to 94 years old.

The DOH always cautions that its data is provisional and subject to change.

The Brevard cases involve 390 residents and 11 non-residents. They range in age from 1 to 99 with a median age of 58. Of the Brevard residents, 182 are men and 208 female.

The county has seen 58 hospitalizations. It’s important to note that number does not refer to people currently hospitalized; instead, it’s people who sought hospital treatment at some point.

The state DOH does not provide a count of people recovered.

Cases by race

White: 288

Black: 57

Other: 19

Unknown/No data: 26

Cases by ethnicity

Hispanic: 63

Non-Hispanic: 300

Unknown/No data: 27

The number of cases in Florida as of Thursday morning was 53,285, up 651 from the previous day and 2,364 deaths, an increase of 45 deaths from the previous day, FDOH data show. In total, 953,321 people have been tested with 53,285 positive and 898,331 negative, or 5.6% testing positive.

Brevard has tested 21,582 people, with 401 testing positive and 21,173 testing negative. The county’s percent positive is 1.9%. The state DOH does not provide a count of people recovered.


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City by city

Here’s the city-by-city count as of Wednesday, although some of these may include unincorporated areas. The FDOH did not have the city-by-city info available for Thursday. Note: Per the DOH, these are provisional.

Total cases in Brevard as of May 28: 401

Melbourne: 128

Cocoa: 68

Palm Bay: 57

Merritt Island: 28

Titusville: 28

Satellite Beach: 14

Rockledge: 12

Cocoa Beach: 10

Viera: 10

Indian Harbour Beach: 7

West Melbourne: 6

Mims: 5

Melbourne Beach: 3

Cape Canaveral: 2

Sebastian: 2

Indialantic: 2

Grant-Valkaria: 1

Malabar: 1

Port St. John: 1

Barefoot Bay: 1

Valkaria: 1

Missing: 12

Brevard County reported its first COVID-19 case March 16. FLORIDA TODAY began this daily COVID-19 report March 20. Please check the date in the headlines for the most up-to-date info. For questions on these reports, please email Jennifer Sangalang at or executive editor Mara Bellaby at

The FDOH has said data is provisional and subject to change as more information becomes available.


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