43 more people die from COVID-19 in Valley

The Rio Grande Valley saw 43 additional COVID-19 deaths on Wednesday. 

Hidalgo County reported 23 of those fatalities Wednesday, raising the death toll there to 1,334, according to a news release.

“My heart goes out to the families and friends of the 23 Hidalgo County neighbors we lost today,” county Judge Richard F. Cortez said. “The fight against COVID-19 is far from over, and this is not the time to let our guard down. Each of us plays a vital role in continuing to stop the spread and keep each other healthy.”

The youngest among the individuals who died is a man in his 30s, whose city of residence was undisclosed by the county. 

County officials also announced 189 new cases of the virus on Wednesday, bringing the total cases there to 29,082. 

Twenty additional deaths due to the coronavirus in Cameron County were announced Wednesday, along with 81 new cases. 

Additionally, 194 individuals were reported to have been released from isolation on Wednesday, raising the total number of recoveries in the county to 25,636. 

So far, the county has administered 147,360 COVID-19 tests, of which 117,941 have reaped negative results.

The death toll there now stands at 797, and the total number of cases is 21,883, according to a news release. 

A dozen of Wednesday’s fatalities were Brownsville residents. 

County officials also confirmed that 355 individuals recovered from the virus on Wednesday, raising the total number of recoveries to 17,951.

Also on Wednesday, Starr County reported 23 new cases of the virus, raising the total active cases there to 547. Additionally, there are now 2,822 recoveries in the county, and 145 deaths due to the virus.

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