Boston Black COVID-19 Coalition Says ‘Silence is Deafening’ on Large Party in Dorchester – NBC Boston

The Boston Black COVID-19 Coalition is expressing outrage about a large, two-day party held last weekend in the city’s Dorchester neighborhood, saying Gov. Charlie Baker, Mayor Marty Walsh and other politicians have said and done nothing about what could wind up being the state’s next “super spreader” event.

The group, consisting of leaders in the Black community, is holding a press conference at 1 p.m. Thursday to discuss the party held on Aug. 28 and Aug. 29, which they said was attended by several thousand people. They plan to demand action including testing and tracing of those who attended and steps to prevent a repeat over Labor Day weekend.

The coalition said party revelers set up DJ tables and flatbed trucks on Talbot Avenue and drank alcohol and smoked marijuana openly in the streets.

“I saw a gathering near Franklin Park Friday night of several hundred persons and was especially concerned that there seemed no concern by [Boston police] to break up the event,” long time resident and coalition member Louis Elisa said in a statement. “I thought there was a 50 person limit that was supposed to be enforced.”

Former state Sen. Dianne Wilkerson, another member of the coalition, said elected officials and police had been alerted days before that the event was happening, but did nothing.

“By Saturday night, live videos on social media clearly showed thousands of people partying,” Wilkerson said. “Though many had masks around their necks, shockingly few were wearing the masks. I waited all day Sunday for the news reports and then a press conference by Gov. Baker, Mayor Walsh, and other elected officials on Monday. It never happened! Now that we hear that there’s another party being planned for the weekend, we’re sounding the alarm.”

Members of the group said the lack of response was in stark contrast to events held in communities like Chatham and Cohasset that drew sharp rebukes from Baker and wondered if that is because many of those attending the Dorchester party were Black or Latino.

“Thousands of residents in the City of Boston are at serious risk and nothing has been done to address this,” coalition member Jacqui Lindsay said. “We must insist on action!”

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