Cleveland records 66 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 coronavirus, but no new deaths

CLEVELAND, Ohio — The Ohio Department of Health has notified Cleveland that 66 more residents have been confirmed as having COVID-19 coronavirus, Mayor Frank Jackson’s administration announced Monday.

No new deaths were reported. Seventy-seven Cleveland residents have died as a result of the coronavirus.

The new cases lift Cleveland’s total confirmed cases to 3,248 and involve patients ranging in age from under 5 years old to more than 90 years old.

The state of Ohio rates Cuyahoga County at a red Level 3 under its coronavirus risk classification system – rapidly approaching purple, the most critical of designations which could lead to another shutdown.

Cleveland Department of Public Health has identified an additional 487 probable cases. Those cases lifted the city’s total caseload to 3,735. Those infected have ranged in age from less than 1 year old to more than 100 years old.

Fifteen percent of those cases required hospitalization, according to the Cleveland Department of Public Health.

Fifty-four percent of the cases involve women. About 60% of all those infected are African American. About 17% are white. Asian residents comprise about 1% of the cases. Race is unknown for 14% of the cases.

The Cleveland Department of Public Health will work to identify any people who were in close contact with the newly confirmed patients to determine who now would require testing or monitoring for symptoms of COVID-19.

Coming off a weekend with high numbers of cases, the number of newly reported confirmed and probable coronavirus cases was 1,261 on Monday, according to the Ohio Department of Health’s reporting.

That means the state now has at least 66,853 confirmed and probable coronavirus cases.

The number of confirmed and probable coronavirus deaths between Sunday and Monday grew by six to 3,064.

The state reported 8,786 cases in Cuyahoga County as of Friday. There were 393 deaths reported.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s updated tally on Monday reported 3,296,599 cases and 134,884 deaths in the United States.

Those numbers tend to lag other reporting sites.

Johns Hopkins University of Medicine reported that as of Monday evening 3,353,348 people had become infected with the coronavirus. By its tally, deaths in the United States totaled 135,524.

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