Covid-19 Tracker: Hospitalizations fall again

Good morning, Mission, and welcome to Virus Village, your (somewhat regular) Covid-19 data dump.

Though infections stubbornly cling above an average of 100 per day, hospitalizations have taken a fall while positivity rates and the R Number remain relatively low.

In his speech last week, Biden laid out a plan for producing rapid tests. As it turns out, the effort amounts to less than one test per person in the US. Here’s a primer on rapid antigen tests and how to use them effectively.

Remember a couple months ago, when the Delta variant was on the horizon, Abbot Labs not only stopped producing the tests, but laid off its workers and destroyed the supplies. But even before, the price Abbot charged was excessive, especially when compared to other countries. Now why would a rapid test be so expensive here, but free in Canada?

The Biden initiative targets a 15 percent reduction in price. Let’s see.

The weakness of health care-for-profit has never been so badly exposed as it has during the covid crisis. In 2018, Gavin Newsom pledged to transistion California from the current system of private insurance to single payer, but has done nothing. Many recall opponents will insist he follow through with his pledge after the election. Good luck. Among Newsom’s biggest money supporters are the private insurnce companies and private hospitals.

Scroll down for today’s covid numbers.

The CDC data used for the chart lags behind the data supplied from the San Francisco Department of Public Health. Here, the vaccination picuture has been relatively static for at least a month or more. As of Sept. 12, DPH reports about 79 percent of all San Francisco residents have received one dose, and more than 73 percent are completely vaccinated. Despite the proven protection, the City’s unvaccinated have been less than enthusiastic about embracing The Vaccine . On Sept. 12, the seven-day rolling average of shots per day dropped again to  312. For information on where to get vaccinated in and around the Mission, visit our Vaccination Page.

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Covid-related deaths in San Francisco are always difficult to ascertain. In the last few days DPH reports  31 August deaths, and 1 death in September, bringing the cumulative covid-related death toll to 605. Of those, approximately 3 percent had no underlying conditions.

Despite Delta’s high transmissibility, local R Number estimates remain below 1. Covid R Estimation has estimates the San Francisco R Number  at .85 and lowered its estimate for the California R number to .87. All models in the ensemble  estimate the San Francisco R Number below 1, with an average of .77, while the average California R Number is .8. The ensemble average estimate for San Francisco has been below 1 since Aug. 3.

For the month of August, Men had 3,159 new cases (or 54.2 percent), Women 2,608 (44.8 percent), Trans Female 3, Trans Male 2, Other 28 and Unknown 27

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DPH reports for the week ending Sept. 5, the seven-day rolling average of daily new cases in the city was 100 new cases, or approximately 11.2 new cases per day per 100,000 residents (based on an 896,000 population).  According to the latest from DPH on Sept. 3, the 7-day average case rate among fully vaccinated residents was 6.8 per 100,000 fully vaccinated residents  and  19.7 per  not fully vaccinated 100,000 residents.  

No new data from DPH but the graph shows clearly the Delta surge has been fueled primarily by infections in the White community. Since the pandemic began, based on the group’s San Francisco population, Latinx residents have a case rate of 1,304 cases per 10,000 residents, while Blacks have a rate of 868, Whites 351, and Asians 268 cases per 10,000 residents. DPH estimates the rate of Pacific Islanders to be 2,120 and Native Americans to be 961 cases per 10,000 residents but concedes these numbers are “less reliable.”

In August, the Mission had a positivity rate of 4.4 percent (down from 5 percent in July), Bayview Hunters Point 6.2 percent (down from 8 percent), the Castro had 4.6 percent (down from 6.2 percent), Presidio Heights had 2.9 percent (down from 3 percent) and Seacliff had 2.9 percent (up from 1.1 percent)

Covid-related deaths in San Francisco are always difficult to ascertain. In the last few days DPH reports  31 August deaths, and 1 death in September, bringing the cumulative covid-related death toll to 605. Of those, approximately 3 percent had no underlying conditions.

Despite Delta’s high transmissibility, local R Number estimates remain below 1. Covid R Estimation has estimates the San Francisco R Number  at .85 and lowered its estimate for the California R number to .87. All models in the ensemble  estimate the San Francisco R Number below 1, with an average of .77, while the average California R Number is .8. The ensemble average estimate for San Francisco has been below 1 since Aug. 3.

For the month of August, Men had 3,159 new cases (or 54.2 percent), Women 2,608 (44.8 percent), Trans Female 3, Trans Male 2, Other 28 and Unknown 27

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Between July 10 and Sept. 8, the Mission had  788 new cases (a rate of 134 new cases per 10,000 residents),  while Bayview Hunters Point had 923 cases for a rate of 243 new cases per 10,000 residents. Of 38 SF neighborhoods, 23 had case rates over 100 per 10,000 residents, the second-highest still on our boders in the Castro at 190 cases per 10,000 residents.

DPH reports for the week ending Sept. 5, the seven-day rolling average of daily new cases in the city was 100 new cases, or approximately 11.2 new cases per day per 100,000 residents (based on an 896,000 population).  According to the latest from DPH on Sept. 3, the 7-day average case rate among fully vaccinated residents was 6.8 per 100,000 fully vaccinated residents  and  19.7 per  not fully vaccinated 100,000 residents.  

No new data from DPH but the graph shows clearly the Delta surge has been fueled primarily by infections in the White community. Since the pandemic began, based on the group’s San Francisco population, Latinx residents have a case rate of 1,304 cases per 10,000 residents, while Blacks have a rate of 868, Whites 351, and Asians 268 cases per 10,000 residents. DPH estimates the rate of Pacific Islanders to be 2,120 and Native Americans to be 961 cases per 10,000 residents but concedes these numbers are “less reliable.”

In August, the Mission had a positivity rate of 4.4 percent (down from 5 percent in July), Bayview Hunters Point 6.2 percent (down from 8 percent), the Castro had 4.6 percent (down from 6.2 percent), Presidio Heights had 2.9 percent (down from 3 percent) and Seacliff had 2.9 percent (up from 1.1 percent)

Covid-related deaths in San Francisco are always difficult to ascertain. In the last few days DPH reports  31 August deaths, and 1 death in September, bringing the cumulative covid-related death toll to 605. Of those, approximately 3 percent had no underlying conditions.

Despite Delta’s high transmissibility, local R Number estimates remain below 1. Covid R Estimation has estimates the San Francisco R Number  at .85 and lowered its estimate for the California R number to .87. All models in the ensemble  estimate the San Francisco R Number below 1, with an average of .77, while the average California R Number is .8. The ensemble average estimate for San Francisco has been below 1 since Aug. 3.

For the month of August, Men had 3,159 new cases (or 54.2 percent), Women 2,608 (44.8 percent), Trans Female 3, Trans Male 2, Other 28 and Unknown 27

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The latest report from the federal Department of Health and Human Services shows SFGH with 23 covid patients and 83 percent ICU occupancy, while across the Mission, CPMC had 16 covid patients and 84 percent ICU occupancy. Of 113 reported covid patients, 59 were at either SFGH or UCSF.

Between July 10 and Sept. 8, the Mission had  788 new cases (a rate of 134 new cases per 10,000 residents),  while Bayview Hunters Point had 923 cases for a rate of 243 new cases per 10,000 residents. Of 38 SF neighborhoods, 23 had case rates over 100 per 10,000 residents, the second-highest still on our boders in the Castro at 190 cases per 10,000 residents.

DPH reports for the week ending Sept. 5, the seven-day rolling average of daily new cases in the city was 100 new cases, or approximately 11.2 new cases per day per 100,000 residents (based on an 896,000 population).  According to the latest from DPH on Sept. 3, the 7-day average case rate among fully vaccinated residents was 6.8 per 100,000 fully vaccinated residents  and  19.7 per  not fully vaccinated 100,000 residents.  

No new data from DPH but the graph shows clearly the Delta surge has been fueled primarily by infections in the White community. Since the pandemic began, based on the group’s San Francisco population, Latinx residents have a case rate of 1,304 cases per 10,000 residents, while Blacks have a rate of 868, Whites 351, and Asians 268 cases per 10,000 residents. DPH estimates the rate of Pacific Islanders to be 2,120 and Native Americans to be 961 cases per 10,000 residents but concedes these numbers are “less reliable.”

In August, the Mission had a positivity rate of 4.4 percent (down from 5 percent in July), Bayview Hunters Point 6.2 percent (down from 8 percent), the Castro had 4.6 percent (down from 6.2 percent), Presidio Heights had 2.9 percent (down from 3 percent) and Seacliff had 2.9 percent (up from 1.1 percent)

Covid-related deaths in San Francisco are always difficult to ascertain. In the last few days DPH reports  31 August deaths, and 1 death in September, bringing the cumulative covid-related death toll to 605. Of those, approximately 3 percent had no underlying conditions.

Despite Delta’s high transmissibility, local R Number estimates remain below 1. Covid R Estimation has estimates the San Francisco R Number  at .85 and lowered its estimate for the California R number to .87. All models in the ensemble  estimate the San Francisco R Number below 1, with an average of .77, while the average California R Number is .8. The ensemble average estimate for San Francisco has been below 1 since Aug. 3.

For the month of August, Men had 3,159 new cases (or 54.2 percent), Women 2,608 (44.8 percent), Trans Female 3, Trans Male 2, Other 28 and Unknown 27

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