List of Maui COVID-19 Vaccination Sites and Registration Information

The Department of Health Maui District Health office is currently offering Moderna vaccinations to anyone 18-years and older on Maui.
Meantime Maui Health is offering the Pfizer vaccine to individuals ages 16 and oder (recipients under 18 years old must be accompanied by a parent/guardian) through its vaccination sites at the Maui Memorial Medical Center-main lobby and its new south side location at the Grand Wailea Resort.
Vaccination clinics offered by the MDHO this week are listed below. To get the vaccination through an MDHO clinic, you MUST sign up via one of the links below.
The Johnson and Johnson shot is a single dose vaccination. The Moderna vaccination requires two shots 28 days apart. The Pfizer vaccination through Maui Health also requires two shots, but is spaced three weeks apart.
Who can get the COVID19 vaccine?
The Hawaiʻi Department of Health’s Maui District Health Office, Maui Health Systems and many community health partners across the county are targeting tiers 1A, 1B and 1C. Priority is given to residents and part-time residents:
- Undergoing dialysis, chemotherapy, infusion therapy, other
- With underlying conditions including severe respiratory disease
- Front line workers who are at risk of being exposed to or transmitting COVID19
Allotments are increasing allowing for anyone who wants a vaccine to get one:
- Over the age of 16 (Pfizer) 18 (Moderna and J&J)
Where do I get the COVID19 vaccine?
Residents are encouraged to first see if they can access the COVID19 vaccination through their personal health care provider. Other options are listed below.
How do I get the COVID19 vaccine?
Maui District Health Office (MDHO) (at UHMC campus and other locations):
Maui Health Systems (MMMC and Kīhei clinic locations):
Kaiser Permanente
Maui Medical Group
Malama I Ke Ola*
- Call (808) 871-7772
*established patients only
Hui No Ke Ola Pono (Cameron Center, Wailuku):
UH Maui Campus Health Center
Maui Clinic Pharmacy (53 S. Puunene, Kahului):
- Call (808) 264-4422 or come into pharmacy to schedule appointment.
CVS / Longs Drug (Maui Mall in Kahului only):
Safeway Pharmacy
- Wailuku call (808) 243-3522
- Kahului call (808) 359-2970
- Kīhei call (808) 891-9120
Mauliola Pharmacy (95 Mahalani Street, Room 10, Wailuku)
Doctors on Call (Lahaina location only):
Maui Office on Aging
- Coordinating scheduling of adults over age 65
- (808) 270-7774
For more information on COVID-19 or go to get put on a list to be called go to online survey
Please insure information is entered correctly as this is what will be used to register you in the federal system. Use your own unique email address since only one person can be registered in the federal Vaccine Administration Management System (VAMS) per email address.