Live Conversation: COVID-19 & Communities Of Color

Tune in live here at 2 p.m. on Thursday, July 16.

COVID-19 has changed the lives of people across the nation. But a new poll by CapRadio and nonprofit Valley Vision shows that those impacts are felt differently by Sacramento region residents depending on their race, ethnicity and income.

In particular, the greater Sacramento region’s communities of color have been hit especially hard by the stress, income insecurity and on the job challenges of this pandemic, with Black residents experiencing many of these impacts more than white or Asian residents and Latino residents experiencing them more than non-Latino residents.

CapRadio is diving deeper into this issue with a live conversation on Facebook Live discussing how COVID-19 is impacting Sacramento’s communities of color, and what solutions exist. Join reporter Sarah Mizes-Tan on Thursday, July 16 at 2 p.m. on CapRadio’s Facebook page as she explores this with representatives from Crossings TV, the California Consortium for Urban Indian Health, the Meadowview community and more.


  • Crossings TV President Daniel Sakaya
  • California Consortium for Urban Indian Health Executive Director Virginia Hendrick
  • Earth Mama Healing Founder RoLanda Wilkins
  • More guests to be announced

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