Maine CDC reports 172 cases of COVID-19, three additional deaths

Maine reported 172 new cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday, and three additional deaths.

The case counts continue to be high in Maine, and the seven-day daily average of 165.3 is more than five times higher than a month ago, when it was 31, according to Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention data updated Tuesday. A week ago, the seven-day daily average was 102 cases.

Since the pandemic began, 8,060 Maine people have fallen ill with COVID-19, and 156 have died. Active cases have more than tripled with 534 active cases a month ago to 1,804 on Tuesday.

While the case numbers continue to paint a bleak picture in Maine and across the country, on Monday Pfizer Inc. announced that the vaccine it’s developing is showing 90 percent effectiveness.

“We will be giving vaccines to people very likely before the end of this year,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said on CNN.

This story will be updated.

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