Michigan records 514 new COVID-19 cases and two deaths
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Michigan records 514 new COVID-19 cases and two deaths
Sunday’s update brings the state’s total number of cases to 87,403 and total number of deaths to 6,249.
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Michigan reported 514 new cases of COVID-19 on Sunday with two additional deaths.
Sunday’s update brings the state’s total number of cases to 87,403 and total number of deaths to 6,249.
The total number of deaths were reduced by one by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, though the department did not list a reason why on it’s coronavirus website.
The State also added 9,323 probable cases and 270 probable deaths.
Last week, the state recorded almost 50 deaths related to the virus. Michigan’s fataly rate dropped to 7.1% in August from 9.5% in June. The number of test that came back positive last week remained low around 3%.
As the month of July saw increases in cases of the virus, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer extended Michigan’s state of emergency Friday through Sept. 4.
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