Nebraska reports 267 new COVID-19 cases

(KTIV) – Nebraska health officials reported 267 new cases of COVID-19 in the state on Saturday. This brings the state’s total number of cases since the pandemic began up to 38,108.

No new deaths were reported, keeping Nebraska’s death toll to 434.

Nebraska’s COVID-19 dashboard indicates 163 residents are currently hospitalized, with a total of 2,137 residents who have been hospitalized due to the virus.

In the last 24 hours, the state’s total recoveries rose from 28,816 to 29,167.

So far, 401,253 tests have been conducted in the state, and 362,576 have come back negative.

Cedar County

According to state data, Cedar County has had a total of 72 cases.

No virus-related deaths have been reported in Cedar County.

Cuming County

State data shows 105 people in Cuming County have tested positive for the virus out of 1,285 tested.

No virus-related deaths have been reported in Cuming County.

Dakota County

In Dakota County, 13 new virus cases were reported, bringing its total positive cases up to 2,078.

The Dakota County Health Department has reported 43 virus-related deaths thus far.

Dixon County

State data shows Dixon County has had 75 total cases.

Dixon County has reported a total of two virus-related deaths.

Madison County

Health officials say 710 residents in Madison County have tested positive for the virus. There has also been a total of five virus-related deaths in the county according to the state.

Stanton County

There have been 390 tested for COVID-19 with 35 positive cases in Stanton County.

No virus-related deaths have been reported in Stanton County.

Thurston County

The state data table shows Thurston County with 240 total cases.

A total of four virus-related deaths have been reported in the county.

Wayne County

Seventy-seven total cases have been recorded in Wayne County. No virus-related deaths have been reported in the county.

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