Novel about pandemic predated COVID-19 | Heraldrepublican

ANGOLA – Local author Steven Faramelli was almost prophetic when he wrote his new novel about a pandemic.

Faramelli, of Fremont, started writing “The Last Symphony” in 2016 after he read an article about pigs getting a virus which made them immune to antibiotics.

In his novel, a virus named Project Omega is a man-made flu constructed of a combination of both the avian flu and the Spanish flu that starts wiping out populations.

It took a bout with COVID-19 to convince Faramelli to finish his book.

“Life really is short. I’ve got this book that’s almost done. What if I would’ve died,” said Faramelli, who was hospitalized from COVID.

The Greek letter name for the virus is just the beginning of the parallels between “The Last Symphony” and the present-day COVID-19 pandemic that has had many variants using names from the Greek alphabet, most recently, omicron.

Faramelli said there are many parallels from his novel to the COVID-19 pandemic. From the wearing of masks, working from home and even a massive debate on taking a vaccine, the story is eerily similar. He once had a chapter called, “A New Normal,” but he later changed it because of the jarring coincidence.

The protagonist in “The Last Symphony” is a college student named Chase who is a music prodigy with savant-like abilities. Chase is attending music school in North Carolina when tragedy strikes.

The key to an interesting protagonist, Faramelli said, is to have them go through a lot, and the antagonist must be truly wicked and loathed.

“The Last Symphony,” contains Easter eggs of some of Faramelli’s life and things he loves.

The Volkswagen bus in the novel is based off of a VW bus Faramelli owns, and he plans to make the VW bus a reoccurring theme in future novels.

In the book, after the virus hits the National Guard is involved, and Faramelli was a member of the National Guard after high school to help pay for his college education.

He also inserts many quotes from the 1975 American thriller “Jaws” because it is one of his favorite films.

The music aspect of the novel came from Faramelli’s talent with music. He grew up playing the saxophone and then sang and played the keyboard in a few rock bands as a young adult.

Faramelli said he went through a lot self-reflection while writing his novel.

“Do you do something you know will pay you well, or do you follow your heart?” said Faramelli.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit he almost scrapped the entire book. Faramelli contracted COVID-19 himself and was hospitalized for two weeks and almost vented.

Before contracting COVID-19 Faramelli struggled with what success would look like for him. He felt he was almost suffering from imposture syndrome or the Jonah complex.

“After COVID, I thought I have to just get it out,” said Faramelli.

Faramelli explained that novelists are often grouped into two categories: a pantser or a plotter.

“I am kind of a pantser who needs a plot,” said Faramelli.

“A pantser is a term most commonly applied to fiction writers, especially novelists, who write their stories ‘by the seat of their pants,’” said the Writers Digest’s website. The opposite would be a plotter, or someone who uses outlines to help plot out their novels.

Faramelli has been around books for a long time.

Faramelli’s mother was an English teacher and he learned to read at a young age. He remembered walking over to his hometown of Silvis, Illinois, library as a young child. He would beg the librarian to let him check out Steven King novels. He pleaded with them until they finally gave in and let him take them home.

He wrote to Silvis’s library’s Facebook page to thanked them for helping him find his art because it led to Faramelli’s becoming a life-long supporter of King.

One of his favorite novels is, “The Stand.” He also mentioned he has read King’s, “On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft,” several times. King’s son Joe Hill, also an author, is quickly becoming a favorite of Faramelli as well.

Listing to writing podcasts daily has also helped Faramelli become a better writer.

However, the primary piece of advice Faramelli offers to writers is to. “write what you love.”

“Good readers make good writers,” said Faramelli

He explains he wrote a book he would want to read.

Faramelli also is a fan of magical realism and post-apocalyptic novels.

As a graphic designer at Trine University, Faramelli is constantly trying to get his art to tell a story. Designing the cover for, “The Last Symphony,” was no different.

Faramelli not only designed the cover art, but he also self-published through his own publishing company. He did this because he wanted complete creative control over everything.

His family and friends have been very supportive of his book throughout the entire process. His daughter Heidi even helped him write the ending.

“Does it have a happy ending?” Heidi asked her dad.

It did not. Faramelli thought long and hard and ended up rewriting his ending to be slightly more promising.

Faramelli has been promoting his book through his author Facebook page named Steven Faramelli, Author.

On Facebook many of his friends and family have raved about getting their hands on Faramelli’s novel. You can also see the many stages of different cover art he went through during his process

“The Last Symphony,” is available for purchase at Amazon in both digital and physical format as well as Kindle Unlimited.

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