San Diego Records 305 New COVID-19 Cases, 9 Deaths as Flu Season Looms

Photo by Tarryn Mento
Above: A sign at Solomon Donuts in North Park on Oct. 1, 2020, notifying customers dine-in has been temporarily suspended because of the coronavirus pandemic.
San Diego County public health officials reported 305 new cases of COVID-19 and nine additional deaths, raising the county’s totals to 47,485 cases and 792 fatalities.
Three women and six men died between Sept. 16 and Sept. 29 and their ages ranged from mid-50s to late 80s. All had underlying medical conditions. The underlying medical condition reported Sept. 29 of a 29-year-old woman who died from COVID-19 has been reclassified from “pending” to “no underlying medical conditions.”
Of the 11,709 tests reported Thursday, 3% returned positive, bringing the 14-day rolling average percentage of positive cases to 3.1%. The state-set target is less than 8%. The seven-day daily average of tests was 9,086.
Of the total number of cases in the county, 3,545 — or 7.5% — have required hospitalization and 828 — or 1.7% of all cases — had to be admitted to an intensive care unit.
Two new community outbreaks were confirmed on Sept. 30, one in a business and the other in a restaurant/bar. In the past seven days — Sept. 24 through Sept. 30 — 29 community outbreaks were confirmed. The number of community outbreaks remains above the trigger of seven or more in seven days. A community setting outbreak is defined as three or more COVID-19 cases in a setting and in people of different households over the past 14 days.
San Diego State University reported Thursday that 11 of the day’s cases and four probable cases were connected to the university. In addition, 14 previously reported cases are now being associated with SDSU.
The new cases bring the total number at SDSU to 1,110 since Aug. 24, the first day of instruction for the fall semester.
These totals include 1,061 confirmed cases and 49 probable cases. None of the COVID-19 cases have been connected with instructional or research spaces since fall instruction began.
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