Texas State University changes isolation policy to keep positive COVID-19 students nearby

SAN MARCOS, Texas (KXAN) — Texas State University is changing the way it safely isolates students after coming in contact with the coronavirus.

The Director of the Student Health Center is following Dr. Anthony Fauci’s latest recommendation and keeping students on campus or nearby in San Marcos. Previously, those students were asked to go home, if they were able to.

Texas State health officials are now working to find additional university-owned facilities to safely house those people, if needed.

Texas State is already using empty floors in dorms on campus for those who need to quarantine and university-owned apartments for those who test positive and are required to isolate.

As of this week, the university reports 29 students from dorms are in isolation and 37 are quarantined at university facilities.

In total, 155 students tested positive during the first two weeks of classes. Five faculty and staff members also were reported positive for COVID-19.

Even still, the university says it does not believe there is evidence of an outbreak among students. It believes the majority of the positive cases have been traced back to social gatherings with family and friends outside of the university setting.

To further help protect students, the university has stopped allowing visitors inside dorm rooms. Officials are asking everyone to meet in common areas and outdoors whenever possible.

Reach KXAN’s Education Reporter Alex Caprariello by email at [email protected] or by phone at 512-703-5365, or find him on Twitter and Facebook.

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