Extracted & Concentrated Strain Review: Yesterday Wellness
“You always sleep in the afternoon!” my friend wrote recently after it took me more than four hours to respond to her 1:30 p.m. text. “That’s your new jam.”
It was true.
Despite its popularity in the health and wellness world, I had yet to really experiment with CBD oils. You could even say I was a bit skeptical of its benefits and therefore not sure what to expect when a package from Yesterday Wellness showed up in my mail. Of course, I was enthusiastic to try the “dietary supplement” but thought I’d need at least a month to notice anything beyond chamomile tea-like calming effects. In fact, I thought this was going to be a pretty difficult product to review: Woke up, consumed oil, went on with the day, felt pretty good, and so on.

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Following instructions on the label, I dropped the recommended 1ml (33mg) of hemp oil under my tongue the next morning. The flavor was citrusy and refreshing. The texture like velvet. And then I fell asleep.
Read also: What it’s Oil About: Understanding Hemp, CBD, and Cannabis Oils
I never thought I’d write a somewhat cautionary tale about THC’s more docile sister but here goes:
You will siesta like the Spaniards, and then some. The desire to nap will creep out of nowhere, slither up your back, along your shoulders, massage your neck, and rest heavily behind your eyes. Naps will be deep, delicious, and long-lasting.
For that reason, I had to temporarily eliminate my morning dose and am now taking about 15mg twice a day. Half a dropper of
Yesterday Wellness’s broad-spectrum hemp oil has me feeling calm but not comatose.
Similarly, if you plan to read, talk on the phone, take your dog for his last whiz, or you need to be awake or mobile in the evening for any reason, consider decreasing your evening dose.
Rarely do I think twice about consuming maximum amounts of THC, but consuming 30mgs of Yesterday’s hemp oil is a question of what’s on my plate today.
That said, this oil would be excellent for individuals who suffer from issues such as chronic pain, anxiety, or insomnia. In addition to its remarkable tranquilizing effects, Yesterday’s suite of calming solutions even includes a broad-spectrum hemp oil with melatonin for added sleep support, if you can believe it, and curcumin for muscle relief.
Not too long ago I might have told you CBD is snake oil. Then Yesterday happened.
More strain reviews from Maximum Yield’s Karen Lloyd: