Posted on by Khaleesi Mother of Dragon S


  • 12/12 – Shorthand for 12 hours of light & 12 hours of darkness, used for flowering plants.
  • 18/6 – Shorthand for 18 hours of light & 6 hours of darkness, used for vegetative growth
  • 24/0 – Shorthand for  24 hours of light & 0 hours of darkness, used for propagation.



  • Anaerobic – Means “without oxygen”. In growing terms this refers to specific types of bacteria and microorganisms breaking down biodegradable matter without the presence of oxygen.
  • Aeroponics – The growing method of misting nutrient solution onto the root zone of plants using high-pressure misters.
  • Aquaponics – Growing plants in a separate grow bed using the filtered waste of fish or other aquarium species.
  • Auto-flowering –  Day-neutral plant varieties that are not affected by day length or night length (light hours) and flower regardless of light cycle.
  • Auxin – A hormone that regulates plant growth.



  • Base Nutrients – Slang for the essential nutrients (food) of plants. This is the essential starting point of base nutrition. Can refer to single, dual or 3-part nutrients, containing all the elements required for plant growth.
  • Ballast – The device that regulates power output for indoor lighting lamps.
  • Bleaching – When leaves and flowers loose their colour, normally as a result of light that is too strong or too close.  
  • Bract – Is the part of the flowering plant that connects to the pistillate part of a flowering plant if unpollinated this bract fills with resin, and if this pistillate hair becomes pollinated then a seed will form inside the bract.
  • Budding – Slang term for plants that are starting to flower.
  • BotrytisBotrytis cinerea. A parasitic fungus that causes rot.
  • Backcrossing – To pollinate a variety with itself by chemical alteration.
  • BX/BC– Industry slang for backcrossing.



  • Calibrate/Calibration – When a measuring tool (pH meter) is adjusted against a fixed standard to check or verify its accuracy.
  • Calyx – The bract of a flower, calyx is the slang term for the flower parts of some plants.
  • Chlorosis – Leaves yellowing due to a lack of chlorophyll.
  • Chlorophyll – The core pigment responsible for the green colour in leaves.
  • Chloroplast – The cells within leaf tissue.
  • Clone – A genetically identical replication of another plant.
  • Cloning – A horticultural technique, also known as clonal propagation. A branch or segment of one plant is taken to spawn new roots; therefore creating another, genetically identical plant.
  • Coco Coir – A hydrophilic substrate made from coconut fibre.
  • Coco Peat – A hydrophilic substrate made from coconut husks.
  • Conductivity Standard – A liquid solution used to calibrate an Electrical Conductivity (EC) in calibration meters.
  • Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) – a low-power propagation lamp.
  • Cotyledon – The first set of leaves a plant sprouts after germination. Also known as ‘seed leaves’. 
  • Colour Rendering Index (CRI) – A measurement to determine a light source’s ability to render a larger quantity of different colours.
  • Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM) – A metric to measure air flow capacity over 1 minute.
  • Cubic Meters per Hour (CMH) – A metric to measure air flow capacity over an hour.
  • Cure – To prepare or preserve. In hydroponics, the term usually refers to a post-harvest phase used to dissipate chlorophyll and/or any volatiles and improve the quality of a dried plant.
  • Cutting – Also known as a ‘clone’.



  • Dutch Buckets – A top fed recirculating hydroponic pot system that uses gravity to flow off the excess run-off solution back to a central reservoir. The tank gets changed weekly.
  • Daily Light Integral (DLI) – The measurement of light moles accumulated in 1 day / 24h
  • Deep Water Culture (DWC) – The method of growing plants with a root zone suspended in a nutrient solution.
  • Defoliate – the removal of foliage.
  • Drainage – A process or ability to drain liquids

