
How Gardeners Everywhere Can Celebrate Garden Days 2022

You don’t need an excuse to get out and spend some time with your plants, but in case you haven’t heard, Canada has declared 2022 the year of the garden! Whether just learning how to grow or a longtime expert, everyone is encouraged to kick off the gardening season with Garden Days 2022, a special celebration taking place from June 11th-19th. So, grab a pair of garden gloves and get ready for some good old-fashioned therapeutic fun out in your yard, patio, or balcony.

Garden Days 2022 – Activities

Saturday, June 11th

Begin the week of gardening activities with a simple task; register yourself and your garden to get your celebration certificate! What kind of garden will you be growing this year? Some of the options include:

  • Pandemic Celebration Garden (A source of comfort in challenging times)
  • Plant Red Celebration Garden (A tribute to frontline workers or a display of Canadian pride)
  • Therapeutic Celebration Garden (Boost mental and physical health)
  • Climate Action Garden (Make a positive environmental impact with a garden)
  • Edible Celebration Garden (Improve access to fresh and nutritious food)
  • Native Plant Celebration Garden (Select only native plants to help natural ecosystems thrive)
  • Social Celebration Garden (Create a space to welcome family and friends)
  • Personal Celebration Garden (What’s going on with you? Got something to celebrate?)

Sunday, June 12th

Road Trip! You likely have plenty of beautiful plants at home, but expand your horizons and visit a public garden or one along Canada’s Garden Route. There’s so much to learn from other gardeners, and you might find some inspiration for our own spaces!

Joy of gardening

Monday, June 13th

Take some time to learn more about gardening or a particular style or technique. Browse the many informative articles on this website, or read a good gardening book. Already an expert? I’m sure there’s something you don’t know, right? Or even better, share your knowledge with the community, children, or anyone else new to gardening.

Tuesday, June 14th

Make some new friends! Head over to the neighbor’s house and ask if they need some help in the garden. Join a garden group or community garden and get to know people with similar interests. Or, divide some of your plants or cut some flowers you’ve grown and offer them to a friend. You’re way too kind!

Joy of planting

Wednesday, June 15th

Plant some red to remember the many lives lost during the global pandemic or honor our frontline workers. Red is also the color of Canadian pride. There’s plenty of red to suit any garden, from tulips and roses to dahlias, mums, marigolds, tomatoes, etc.

Thursday, June 16th

From red to mellow yellow, it’s time to chill out. So grab your yoga mat or a good book and head out to your garden space to relax. Simply being in the presence of plants has been found to reduce stress and anxiety; we could all use a little garden therapy.

Friday, June 17th

Now that you’re nice and relaxed, it’s time to sweat! Gardening is fantastic physical exercise. If you’re all caught up on your weeding and heavy lifting, go for a walk in a community garden and get your workout in that way.

Saturday, June 18th

Happy National Garden Day! Share a remarkable garden story or tips and tricks with friends and family, visit a public garden you’ve never seen before, or host a little tea (or cocktail) party in your own green space!

Garden Happiness

Sunday, June 19th

From National Garden Day to Father’s Day, this weekend is jam-packed with fun. Almost too much fun! Get the dad in your life to mow the lawn… kidding! Instead, tell him to fire up the BBQ and hang out on your beautiful plant-filled patio for a family garden party.

Share all of your garden moments on social media:

#livethegardenlife #CanadasGardenRoute #YearoftheGarden

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