
Outdoors Growing; Spider Mites are Coming! – A-Grade Hydroponics

Outdoor growing spider mites are coming

Outdoor tomato season has easily been blown out by a good month, one little critter is thriving outside at the moment too so be prepared to spray your plants sooner rather than later.

It is easier and much cheaper to spray plants preventatively before they start to stack on the fruit! Don’t wait until something goes wrong, prevent it.


What are Spider Mites & What do they look like?

Spider mites are little mites that are smaller than 1mm in size and vary in a range of colours. Spider mites are a part of the Acari family Tetranychidae, which includes over 1200 species. They can cause damage by puncturing the plant cells to feed from.

There are many different forms of mites but only a few are common to specific plants like Canna including, two spotted mite, hemp russet mite, broad mite, black spotted mites, red spotted mites and oriental mite.

Spider mites mainly sit on the underside of the leaf making them very hard to notice, unless infestation is bad then they are pretty much everywhere and their effect would be clearly visible. 

If your plant is suffering from some unknown reason, inspect your plants thoroughly to ensure there isn’t an infestation of these mites.

Spider mites thrive in warm conditions (preferably around 27°C), which is why they are more common indoors because they are searching for an ideal environment to breed and live in. 

A female spider mite can live for approximately 3-4 weeks, laying up to 20 eggs per day once sexually mature (they are sexually mature from 3-5 days old!) 

A single female spider mite can lay close to 500 eggs in her life cycle.

The eggs are transparent and minuscule and will hatch within 3 days, they have a hard outer shell to protect the eggs from attack. Many growers confuse these eggs as sessile glands, always get a second opinion if unsure, one notable difference is that sessile glands will rarely be cloudy, the eggs are always milky white, amber or red.

Spider mite eggs  

If spider mites are not noticed within a couple of days after noticing health problems they can take over your grow room within a week easily.

To get rid of these nasty little pests some like to make up an organic spray to try deter/kill them from the growing area.

Here is what you will need:

  • 1L Spray Bottle
  • 1L of water
  • 5ml of Mite-Rid
  • Garlic cloves and chilli seed broth (strained & cooled)
  • 2-4 Drops of Organic Dishwashing


  1. Crush your garlic clove as small as possible and add into your 1L of water.
  2. Add teaspoon of dishwashing liquid.
  3. Add Neem oil / mite rid
  4. Add contents into 1L spray bottle.


Once you have made the spray, mist the undersides of the leaves until saturated. You want to do this at least 2 times per day once in the morning and once at night, ensuring your ventilation system (if you have one) is switched off, the idea is to permeate the room, lighting should also be turned off (or coming to end of day) otherwise severe damage will occur on leaves.  

Alternative to making one up, buy a pre-made one, we think Dead Red is a great natural spray that knocks the issue on its head very quickly.

Keep spraying for around 5-7 days this should put an end to the spider mite’s life cycle.

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