
Safe hydrogen peroxide usage for optimal growth in hydroponics – A-Grade Hydroponics

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a versatile solution that can be used in hydroponics to improve plant growth, control bacteria and fungus, and provide oxygen to plant roots. However, when using hydrogen peroxide in a deep water culture (DWC) or recirculating system, it is important to use the correct concentration and follow safety guidelines to avoid harming plants or causing other problems.

When using hydrogen peroxide 50% (food grade) in a DWC or recirculating system, it is important to follow these guidelines:

Dilute the hydrogen peroxide:

Hydrogen peroxide 50% should be diluted with water before use. A typical ratio is 1 part hydrogen peroxide 50% to 9 parts water. This will ensure that the solution is not too strong for the plants.

Use the correct concentration:

When using hydrogen peroxide 50% in a DWC or recirculating system, a concentration of 2-3% is recommended. This concentration will provide enough oxygen to the plant roots and control bacteria and fungus.

Apply at the right time:

It is best to apply hydrogen peroxide during the vegetative stage of plant growth when the plant is actively growing. Avoid applying hydrogen peroxide during the flowering stage as this can cause damage to the flowers.

Monitor the plants closely:

After applying hydrogen peroxide, it is important to monitor the plants closely for any signs of damage or stress. If any issues are observed, reduce the concentration of the solution or stop using hydrogen peroxide altogether.

Keep the water pH level in check:

Hydrogen peroxide can change the pH level of the water in your DWC or recirculating system. It is important to monitor the pH level of the water and adjust as needed to keep it within the optimal range for your plants.

Wear appropriate personal protective equipment:

When handling hydrogen peroxide 50%, it is essential to wear gloves and safety goggles to avoid skin and eye irritation.

By following these guidelines, you can safely use hydrogen peroxide 50% in a DWC or recirculating system to improve plant growth and control bacteria and fungus. As always, it is important to research and test different methods to find what works best for your specific setup. Remember that, hydrogen peroxide 50% is a strong oxidizer and it should be handled with care.

If in doubt call our hydroponics shop or come in to our showroom and speak to one of our staff members.


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