
What is it & Why is it Good for Growing Cannabis

Whether you are a commercial producer or a hobbyist grower, using naturally sourced products is a priority across the cannabis industry. From different soil amendments to organic nutrients, nature has provided some of the very best cultivation materials. Peat moss is a very unique cultivation substrate in that it is naturally-sourced, while also being largely inert.

Due to an array of unique properties favorable for cannabis growing, peat moss is popular as a standalone substrate or additive to soil mixes. Peat moss is defined by its unique physical structure that forms bogs with the decomposition of organic materials under specific conditions.

While you have probably heard of peat moss before, many people don’t know the story behind this incredible material. If you are a cannabis grower, it’s definitely worthwhile learning a bit more about this unique substrate.

What is Peat Moss?

“Peat moss” is a general term used to describe different mosses that grow from the genus Sphagnum. Occurring only in specific parts of the Northern Hemisphere like Canada and the upper United States, peat moss grows in ancient bogs where it derives a very unique physical structure. In turn, peat is harvested and manufactured into different grades of horticultural substrates.

Peat moss only grows in wet and low-oxygen environments of bogs. Importantly, peat moss begins as live Sphagnum moss, but slowly changes texture when the plant dies and decomposes. As dead Sphagnum moss sinks to the bottom of a bog, it undergoes a unique decomposition process in anaerobic conditions. Over millennia, Sphagnum moss eventually becomes the peat moss that is harvested for horticultural purposes. (Read also: 4 Easy Steps to Super Soil for Thriving Cannabis Plants)

Sphagnum moss grows in bogs at a rate of around 1-5 inches per year, with some deposits being as deep as 20 feet! In such deposits, the least decomposed peat is found on the top of the bog. The material is lighter in color and has excellent porosity. As you get closer to the bottom of the bog, peat becomes darker in color and denser in texture.

How is Peat Moss Manufactured?

While peat moss grows naturally, many of the processes used to harvest and manufacture the material are similar to those used in traditional agriculture.

The peat moss harvest process begins by draining a bog of surface water and clearing away any additional vegetation. After that, manufacturers cut long trenches in the bog to dry the material. Once the peat is properly dried in the sun and wind, manufacturers use large vacuum harvesting machines to pull the peat moss from the ground.

After it is harvested from the bog, peat moss is screened and separated into distinct grades that are used for different purposes. Following the guidelines of color and particle size, manufacturers decide the best applications for different grades from the harvest. Before moving on to the next phases of production, the peat moss is tested in the laboratory for product purity.

The final phase of manufacturing peat moss is when the material is mixed and transformed into a product sold for specific purposes. For cultivation mediums, this generally means mixing the peat moss with other materials like perlite, coco coir, and pine bark.

Why is Peat Moss Good for Growing Cannabis?

cannabis growing in bags with peat moss

Due to its unique properties, peat moss is popular among both hydroponic and soil cannabis growers. Peat moss has the rare ability to properly support large cannabis plants, while also absorbing and retaining water evenly in the root zone. Depending on your cultivation system and climate, you can purchase peat moss substrates of different densities, as well as those mixed with different materials.

The PRO-MIX HP blend from Premier Tech is a great option for hydro growers needing increased air porosity and reduced water retention. Since it uses fibrous peat moss and coarse perlite, this media dries out quicker than general peat-based mixes. Premier Tech has gone a step further with the PRO-MIX HP MYCORRHIZAE Open Top Grow Bag system. By integrating soil bags with tear-off openings, you can place the bags directly in your growroom or greenhouse — eliminating the labor and mess of transplanting. (Read also: The Importance of Mycorrhizae)

Cannabis growers love working with peat moss for the following reasons:

SterilityPeat moss grows in very specific low-oxygen environments. In fact, Sphagnum moss is one of the very few plant species that can grow in the harsh, anaerobic conditions of bogs. Since most other plant species can’t live in such an environment, peat moss is naturally less prone to weed seeds and pathogens than most soil mixes are.

Beneficial Microbes—Because peat moss grows organically, it contains natural microbes that are beneficial for cannabis plants. For example, the microorganism Bacillus creates a physical barrier around the roots to protect cannabis plants from harmful pathogens. In fact, Bacillus is known for suppressing root rot — one of the most common diseases in both soil and hydroponic growing.

Balanced pH—Peat moss has an extremely predictable pH profile. In fact, you can always count on peat moss being slightly acidic in the 3.0-4.5 range. As such, you know exactly what you are getting with peat moss cultivation mediums. For peat moss potting mixes made for cannabis, manufacturers adjust the mix to the 5.2-5.8 range. In other instances, growers might add peat moss to an alkaline soil to better balance the pH for cannabis plants.

Water & Nutrient Retention—Since peat moss can hold more than 20 times its own mass in water, it will keep your cannabis plants adequately hydrated for long periods of time. Especially in dry climates like California and Nevada, peat moss can be extremely helpful with water conservation efforts.

Especially in hydroponics, valuable nutrients are easily washed out of most cultivation substrates like coco coir. By holding onto nutrients, peat moss helps lessen your nutrient consumption, saving you precious money and resources. These retention capabilities also ensure that your cannabis plants have the nutrients they need during all phases of growth.


Peat moss is truly an incredible cultivation substrate. It is of the few compounds that is organically-sourced, while also being largely inert. Aside from beneficial bacteria like Bacillus and fungi like mycorrhizae, growers have 100% precision control over garden inputs when using peat moss. Due to its water retention and nutrient-holding capabilities, peat moss can really boost your bottom line — especially in commercial production.

Whether you grow hydroponically or in soil, it’s worth giving peat moss a serious look. Due to so many favorable properties, peat moss is highly effective as a standalone substrate or additive to soil mixes. If you aren’t sure which peat moss product is best for you, there are a number of excellent PRO-MIX products on the market — with ample educational materials included.

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Introduced in 1968, PRO-MIX® provides growers with cutting-edge and value-added growing media and mycorrhizal inoculant. Fine-tuned for growers who seek efficiency, superior plant quality, disease suppression and resistance to environmental stresses, PRO-MIX® optimizes results.

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